Marketing Essentials: 8 Tips for Managing Your Subscribers

Despite newer marketing tactics like mobile or social media getting more attention these days, the fact remains: email marketing is still highly effective for boosting sales. In fact, 81% of marketers say it drives customer acquisition for their brands. But email marketing success starts [...]

New to Omnichannel Marketing? 7 Things Every Retailer Should Know

When it comes to marketing, the more channels you connect to consumers through, the more customers you’ll get. Today’s consumers — 72% of them anyway, want to connect to brands through multiple channels. It’s up to you to find the channels that your customers [...]

How to Make Your Small Business Festive During the Holidays

The holidays are the optimal time to generate interest in our businesses. They can bring new revenue, and provide cheer to all who visit. Yet, we need to make sure we are taking the right steps to make this festive season a successful one. [...]

7 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty For Your Small Business

Customer loyalty is essential for the ongoing success of any small business. Research shows that actually acquiring new customers is as much as 10 times pricier than selling to an existing buyer. On top of this, loyal customers tend to spend almost 70 percent [...]

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Sending Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are one of the most important methods of communication with customers used by online businesses today. By using emails, you can establish a direct channel of communication and supply the subscribers with useful content, information about sales, events, and other perks, and, [...]

Email Marketing for Small Business [PART 2]

Learn about mobile's role in email marketing, design tips, and the basics of autoresponders in "Email Marketing for Small Business [Part 1]." Now you may ask, if email is everywhere and anyone can send it, why do I need an email marketing tool? [...]

10 Email Best Practice Tips for Independent Retail Stores

Maintaining an up-to-date email list is often an important tool for small business marketing. Independent retailers rely on direct engagement in order to drive repeat business into their stores. Facing stiff competition from big box chains that may compete on selection and price, independent shops [...]