Facebook Insights Explained

You already know Facebook is an important component to your marketing plan. You spend many hours each month posting, but how do you know if your posts are effective? Facebook Insights is a comprehensive, free analytics tool in the Facebook Admin Panel that helps you [...]

Integrating Traditional & Digital Marketing for a Complete Marketing Mix

As the diverse collection of online media continues to grow at lightning speed, many independent retailers have begun to question the value of maintaining their presence in traditional marketing. They know cultivating a strong online marketing presence is vital to stay in the game, but [...]

Beat Out the Big Boxes: Integrating Email & Social Media

Years ago, your big-box competition had a monopoly on advertising. They inundated potential customers with 30-second television spots highlighting their low prices and must-have products. They followed up with billboards showcasing a season-specific product that their customers could not live without. Soon after that, they [...]

Rich Pins: The Newest Pinterest Features Bond Inspiration with Information

You thought your customers were passionate for Pinterest, just wait until they discover the latest improvements to the fastest growing social network. Pinterest recently unveiled a new set of features that inject pins with additional information to make them more useful to customers. So far [...]

Get Found Through Social SEO

This post was originally published by Retail Minded's Founder and Editorial Director, Nicole Leinbach Reyhle Small business owners have known that consumers' main source of discovery has been the internet ever since Google first became a verb. I know what you're thinking, "You mean to [...]

Avoiding the Spam Folder

One challenge marketers have is ensuring their email's are avoiding the Spam folder and making it to the inbox. We’re here to help you reach more inboxes! First, let's start by explaining how the spam filter works. There is not one single factor that is [...]

Promoting Your Event: Get Social

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a marketing campaign promoting an upcoming event when you realize your results are nowhere near your target goal? You have built a marketing campaign and shared it with your social media community. You think you've done [...]

Pt 1: Building Customer Loyalty Through Customer Appreciation

Building customer loyalty through online customer appreciation is essential in nurturing long-time relationships. Connecting with your following both online and off will keep your brand top-of-mind when customers are looking for something specific. Why would someone check off their grocery list at a chain store [...]

Pt 2: Building Customer Loyalty Through Online Customer Appreciation

So you're back for more online customer appreciation tips to get your social following buzzin' about your biz. If you've implemented the tips from Part 1 of this series then you've learned how valuable positive word-of-mouth marketing can be for your store. Now it's time [...]

Text vs. Images: Reach a Higher Percentage of Your Fans?

Visuals are stimulating. Rich photography and colorful graphics have the ability to catch your attention during the busiest time of day but may not be able to hold it. Text can be boring. Bulleted sentences and long paragraphs will get your message across while [...]