Using Video on Your Website and in Email

The year was 1980: Jellies were the rage and The Buggles said it best with, “Oh-a-oh...Video killed the radio star!” Video was a big deal and brought a change to music. Now over thirty-years later, it is still a big deal and a must-have for [...]

Sell More with Pinterest In-Store Signage

New to Pinterest? Looking to grow your following? Bridge the gap between your customers online and in-store experience. Featuring your most pinned products is an easy way to capture a customer’s' attention and boost sales for those particular items. If they’re trending on Pinterest, chances [...]

How to Use Emojis in Subject Lines

Emojis - those little symbols appearing in text messages everywhere. However, start to imagine emojis in email subject lines too! In the mess of numbers, letters, email address and more, an emoji can break through the monotony and say, “Here I am! Open me first!” A recent [...]

20 Industry Experts Predict The Future of Retail

Rapid technological advances have altered the retail landscape in ways unimagined even a few years ago. Today’s customers are more demanding, informed and unforgiving of failure. As a result, retailers across the world are trying to come up with new, innovative ideas to attract and [...]

How to Use Coupons in Email and Your Store to Grow Business

Coupons, discounts, and deals, oh my! While providing coupons during the holiday season might seem cliché, there comes a time when coupons are expected by your customers. According to The Social Habit, 70% of email readers open emails from a brand or company in search [...]

Facebook Introduces Image Carousel for Business Pages

There’s a new type of post in town - Image Carousels! With this latest Facebook update, you’ll be able to showcase clickable, scrolling images in a single post. Bonus! These posts serve as a hybrid between an image share and link share. How do you [...]

What is #GivingTuesday?

The founders of #GivingTuesday say it best, “We have a day for giving thanks. We have two days for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back.”  It’s simple! On Tuesday, December 1, donate to your favorite cause or [...]