What Type of Website Does Your Retail Business Need?

For small businesses in the modern era, it’s no longer a question of whether they need a website. A web presence is required for even the smallest brick-and-mortar businesses. What you should consider instead is how robust a website you need. Retail businesses in [...]

5 Ways How Small Businesses Can Increase Online Sales

The Internet has become a very significant force for the last decade. Now the majority of people cannot imagine their lives without Internet access. It is used for finding new information, communicating with friends, carrying out payment transactions, purchasing various items, or booking holidays. [...]

5 Smart E-Commerce Lessons to Boost Local Business

Nowadays, we cannot underestimate the power of online shopping websites. With more people shopping from e-commerce stores to save energy and time, the interest of those who prefer to shop at physical stores has declined to some degree. At the same time, we can’t [...]

Two Mission-Critical Reasons You Need A Mobile-Friendly Website NOW

Is a mobile-friendly website necessary? Do you really need a website that will look good and perform well on smartphones and tablets? My guess is you probably already know the answer (by the way, it’s yes), and yet not all small businesses have websites [...]

Top 6 E-Commerce Strategies to Help Your Small Business Thrive

In the competitive world of E-commerce business, entrepreneurs always try to find techniques, tips, and tricks in order to increase the branding of the business and the customer's loyalty. There is a wide variety of strategies that helps in marketing and increases the visibility [...]

Don’t Throw Away Money by Being Cash Only

Nowadays, accepting credit cards is the best choice for any business. If you only accept cash, you are saying goodbye to dollars that could be in your pocket. Studies show that more impulse sales, and higher sales, occur when your customer is using a [...]

Benefits of E-Commerce with PayPal and Shopify

E-Commerce may be a scary word for small business owners, but it doesn’t have to be. Many believe that implementing an E-Commerce platform into their business model will take too much time, will be too difficult to set up or maintain, or won’t be [...]

Designing an Effective Website CTA for Small Business Owners

Whether you are a billion-dollar tech giant like Amazon or a small chocolate shop owner, if you have a landing page on your website, you need a great on-page call to action (CTA) in order to convert those online prospects into customers. A call to [...]

Get Gift Card Savvy! Tips for Redemption

A guest blog post from our friends at Patti Biro & Associates Nearly very spa, salon or medical spa has been promoting the sale of gift cards for holiday gift giving. But selling a card is only part of the story-now is the time to [...]