About SnapRetail Guest

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So far SnapRetail Guest has created 179 blog entries.

5 Ways to Boost Online Sales

A guest blog from our friends at Heartland Fraudulent sites are leaving many customers weary of shopping online. Follow this guide for five simple ways to help your checkout page convert more shoppers into buyers. 1. Trust Badges Trust badges are icons or [...]

20 Industry Experts Predict The Future of Retail

Rapid technological advances have altered the retail landscape in ways unimagined even a few years ago. Today’s customers are more demanding, informed and unforgiving of failure. As a result, retailers across the world are trying to come up with new, innovative ideas to attract and [...]

What’s the Secret to Hiring and Keeping a Quality Staff?

One of the biggest challenges in retailing today is finding, hiring and training qualified people. Today’s employee turnover is higher than ever. Independent retailers who strive to be the best and sell the most recruit and retain the best. But here is a catch: the [...]

Window Display Power Tools

It’s difficult to stop busy people in their tracks. You’re lucky if they even notice your store in their daily travels. To attract positive attention to your store you need to have eye-catching displays. The six most important design elements to get people to stop [...]

Amazon vs. Brick and Mortar Retail

This post was originally published on One Step Retail's blog Who is your competition? This is a question I ask my retail customers and typically they respond with a few different company names, but rarely do they respond with Amazon. Amazon’s ability to provide great [...]

How To Use Technology To Provide A Better Customer Experience

I've been in the retail industry for more than 20 years and I can tell you that today's modern shopper is tech-savvy and constantly on the go. With the use of technology implemented in society, shoppers expect retailers to be just as up to date, [...]

In-Store Event Ideas for Indie Retailers

Download Our Event Marketing Guide It's no secret that brick and mortar stores are in some serious competition with e-commerce sites. Shoppers can now fulfill all of their needs with the click of a mouse. But where e-commerce companies compete on convenience, brick [...]