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So far SnapRetail Guest has created 179 blog entries.

[INFOGRAPHIC] The Power of POP (Point of Purchase) for Small Business

A guest blog post from our friends at shopPOPdisplays Brick-and-mortar stores continue to face a plethora of challenges as online shopping opportunities increase. In order to combat these challenges, retail stores can utilize point-of-purchase displays to boost sales once again. Learn about how people [...]

5 Customer Retention Tools for Small Business

A guest blog post from our friends at TextMagic Everyone knows that small businesses have an ace up their sleeves when it comes to customer service. They’re small enough to offer a personalized customer experience whereas larger businesses simply don’t have the manpower to [...]

How to Make Word-of-Mouth Work for Small Businesses

A guest blog post from our friends at Unity Marketing On August 15-18 the 47th anniversary of Woodstock will be celebrated, a watershed moment for we Baby Boomers in the 60s, when nearly half-a-million young people gathered on a farm in upstate New York [...]

Facebook is Still King If You Want to Reach Young People. And It’s Not Even Close.

A guest blog post from our friends at Civic Science Those of us in marketing and media love to over-hype new things. Remember when “location-based” services like Foursquare were all the rage for about five minutes? Today, it’s Pokémon Go. Tomorrow it will be [...]

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Product Pricing

A guest blog post from our friends at Fit Small Business As a small retail business, one of the hardest tasks is to price your products. Which pricing strategy should you employ? Should you price high or low? What informs your competitors’ prices and should [...]

Transforming Your Retail Business with POS Integrations

A guest blog post from our friends at ShopKeep If your retail business is already using POS software, you understand firsthand the benefits of adopting a robust, quality system. But are you aware of the benefits of POS integrations and why they are important? [...]

6 Ways to Conquer Your Fear of (Shopping Cart) Abandonment

A guest blog post from our friends at PureChat The perfect customer has hit your site. They’ve cruised effortlessly from the home page to a product listing, and they’re one step away from sealing the deal at checkout. Then *poof* they’re gone... Struggling to [...]

4 Mistakes Most Businesses Make When Selling their Products through Email Marketing

A guest blog by Kate Barrett from Shine a Light Media Do you want to increase your sales? If the answer to that question is a big fat “YES” (which I’m hoping it is!), email marketing is the perfect channel to help you do exactly [...]

How Do You Charge Customers for Shipping?

An excerpt from "Shipping Nirvana" created by our friends at ShipStation The real challenge when figuring out your shipping strategy is determining a solution that cuts into your margins as little as possible yet remains attractive to your customers. And this is something you're [...]