About SnapRetail Guest

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So far SnapRetail Guest has created 179 blog entries.

The Importance of Accountability in an Engaged Workplace

A disparity in accountability can present a challenge for the leaders because they can’t simply rely on highly engaged employees when others who are uncommitted are setting a workplace designed to frustrate the engaged team members. Leaders will never achieve a highly engaged workplace [...]

New to Omnichannel Marketing? 7 Things Every Retailer Should Know

When it comes to marketing, the more channels you connect to consumers through, the more customers you’ll get. Today’s consumers — 72% of them anyway, want to connect to brands through multiple channels. It’s up to you to find the channels that your customers [...]

What Type of Website Does Your Retail Business Need?

For small businesses in the modern era, it’s no longer a question of whether they need a website. A web presence is required for even the smallest brick-and-mortar businesses. What you should consider instead is how robust a website you need. Retail businesses in [...]

How to Make Amazing Instagram Posts to Drive Conversions

Introduction According to the latest statistics, Instagram is the home for more than 71 percent of businesses, with more than 8 million active business accounts. The influence of this social media is so large that it's almost impossible to imagine a brand launching a [...]

5 Reasons You Need a Better SEO Strategy for Small Business

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. First of all, search engines such as Google or Bing use high-performance computer robots that scour the web for the most attractive and relevant sites in order to make search experiences easier for its users. In order to [...]

7 Essential Email Marketing Tricks for Customer Retention

Retaining your customers of the utmost importance in today’s marketing industry. No matter how enticing it is to attract new customers, your business relies on your customer core. Analyze this: 65% of the business for a company comes from its existing customers. There’s a [...]

How to Make Your Small Business Festive During the Holidays

The holidays are the optimal time to generate interest in our businesses. They can bring new revenue, and provide cheer to all who visit. Yet, we need to make sure we are taking the right steps to make this festive season a successful one. [...]

7 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty For Your Small Business

Customer loyalty is essential for the ongoing success of any small business. Research shows that actually acquiring new customers is as much as 10 times pricier than selling to an existing buyer. On top of this, loyal customers tend to spend almost 70 percent [...]