A Small Business Guide to Instagram Hashtags

What is a Hashtag? A short keyword or phrase preceded by a pound sign (#). By preceding keywords or phrases with a pound sign (#), it makes the term clickable and will automatically search for related content using the same hashtag.  Hashtags do not [...]

How to Get Started on Instagram: 5 Quick Steps

Instagram is quickly growing to become one of the most used social platforms worldwide. With over 1 billion users, it trails Facebook closely as the most popular social network. However, Instagram users have 58x more engagement per follower than Facebook making it an attractive platform [...]

Marketing Essentials: 8 Tips for Managing Your Subscribers

Despite newer marketing tactics like mobile or social media getting more attention these days, the fact remains: email marketing is still highly effective for boosting sales. In fact, 81% of marketers say it drives customer acquisition for their brands. But email marketing success starts [...]

Is Negotiation Skills Training Important to Small Business Success?

Short answer, YES. Negotiation skills are important for small business success. Starting and running a small business requires the skills to negotiate with different types of people and institutions. The best negotiation skills training can help an entrepreneur succeed in business when faced with [...]

The Importance of Accountability in an Engaged Workplace

A disparity in accountability can present a challenge for the leaders because they can’t simply rely on highly engaged employees when others who are uncommitted are setting a workplace designed to frustrate the engaged team members. Leaders will never achieve a highly engaged workplace [...]